Thursday, July 8, 2010

A New Chapter

As I took pictures of Kelly, Hubert, and Lindsey racing cars - here at Needles, I realized that this was the marking of a different Chapter and saying goodbye to the past. Hubert spent the week with us and we all had a great time as always.

They Raced the cars on Tom's track for 2 1/2 hours, cars zipping and roaring, yelling and laughter rang through the quietness of Needles.

And my mind went back to the passed 5 years that we have been bringing kids out here to spend weekends and weeks with us. There were times we would have up to 6 extra kids.

The memories flooded my mind of all the hikes we have been on, the picnics, the bomb fires, the card games, walking under the moonlight, having the kids do paintings up on the rock behind our house, writing about Nature and so on. The signs above were a few of the signs the kids painted and put near their special places they found up on the rock. There are some really cool places up there too, little cubbies and part caves. I became a little sad as I realized that now that Kelly is gone, and Lindsey is much older, that those days are pretty much gone. I miss the sounds of their laughter and even trying to tame down the fights - the good memories are so special to me and so are all the kids who blessed us by coming out with us. Tylen, Josh, Anthony, Hubert, Luke, Curtis, their friends and more friends. I can't remember all the names, but their faces are in my mind. There were times we had to bring the pick-up out and the back would be full of kids. WOW how awesome it was. I just thank God for the memories and the blessings. I am not one that does well with Change so I am all Sentimental about the memories and Sad to let it all go and move on to the next chapter. I just pray the next chapter will be as awesome as this one was. I love all those kids so much and I just pray God's blessings on them as they grow older and journey on their own paths.

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