Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Testimony

"I cannot control the wind, but I can adjust the sails."
Blaine M. Yorgason

We are very excited that God has answered our prayers and showed us the way we need to go in order for our lives to come together in a more positive way. The experience to live here at the Needles is going to be an awesome one, and a sad one, as far as not living right next to family. But hay, what is an hour and 20 minutes?

This morning as I was driving from the shop, where Dave works, I remembered an experience I had. Just a reminder of how awesome God is and that he does in fact hear us. This experience changed my whole life, and remembering it today really helped me as I was already starting to miss everyone. There was a time in my life while living in Round Mountain, when some things had happened that were very wrong and devastating to my life. A good friend of mine, from the Lutheran church, came to the house to comfort me. I shared with her that I couldn't believe that this wrong had happened especially since I was living my life better than ever. The lies the devastation was overwhelming. She explained to me that sometimes God allows us to go through trials in our life to bring us even closer to him. I had always believed in God but admittedly, I often wondered if he really heard me, until one day after her visit; I began crying out to God telling him that I knew he existed but I really needed a daddy to talk to, that could talk back, comfort me with words I could hear with my ears, give me advise, and someone I could see.
About two hours later there was a knock on my door. I opened it to see the lady from the flower shop with a delivery for me. Anxiously I took a basket full of soaps, lotion, bath beads, and a note. As I read the note tears filled my eyes while an awe spiring joy filled my soul, and for the first time in my life I KNEW God really hears us. For in the note I read this scripture; D&C 50:44-46
44 Wherefore, I am in your midst, and I am the good Shepherd, and the stone of Israel. He that buildeth upon this rock shall never fall.
45 And the day cometh that you shall hear my voice and see me, and know that I am.
46 Watch, therefore, that ye may be ready. Even so. Amen.

God is so Awesome!


Walkers said...

How come you've never told me that story? That is really neat.

Eaglehavenwest said...

What a great experience! Stop in at the library and visit when you're in town. We miss you at writer's group. I would love to edit or read whatever you are working on.

Texas Tingey said...

I remember you telling me that story.....Good to remember it.
Hang in there!