our family has really been seeing the Lord working for the good of
our needs. As most of you know we were going to lose our oven, our couch, our phone, and
Internet. God always provides our needs. The couch is the only thing we don't have due to angels who helped us out. I know that His Amazing Grace is
sufficient for our sins and our sickness too. Then I shared my testimony
Sunday of my testimony of prayer, and how
grateful I was that our precious Debbie and her family had no damage to their home - or more importantly to any of them.
The links at the top are a few of my many favorite worship songs. These are the song's most church's use anymore. They still use traditional hymns as well but mostly they sings in this style.
Since I was very young I've had a very deep love for Jesus. While living in the Avenues of Salt Lake, my best friend Linda and I would go to the Catholic
Cemetery, just a half a block away and sit under our favorite head stone - which was of Christ on the Cross. Sounds
weird but it was so peaceful and we could feel His spirit so strong.
When you have some time or can make time I really think you will like the songs I have posted on this blog, they are only a click away.