Monday, May 3, 2010

Fun Day in Moab

We went to Moab last Friday to do our shopping and have a fun family day. We went to Old Time Photo's and had a family picture taken including Baily. He was such a good sport keeping the hat on through about five shots. He was smiling in one of them, it was so funny. Kelly would make a good cowboy, don't you think? I need to buy him a cowboy hat. The woman who took the photo's is who we adopted Baily from. She had a good time too. She told us a story about Butch Cassidy. He was in the Moab area and he ran into a women who was losing her farm to the banker. He asked her how much money she needed. The next day Butch took her the 500.0o dollars. When the banker arrived at her farm she handed him the money and signed the papers saying she owned the farm. On their way back to town, the banker and his company ran into Butch Cassidy who stole the 500.00 dollars from them. The banker went back to the farm and told the woman he was taking the farm back, but the woman came out with a rifle pointed at him with the papers saying she owned the farm free and clear. The banker left reluctantly. A while later Butch showed up at the farm and gave the woman the 500.00 telling her she would need it to do repairs on the place. What an awesome story eh.


Eaglehavenwest said...

What a fun picture! The dog almost looks like one of the props!

Texas Tingey said...

LOL! I like those old time